Online discussions

The discussions on this page will keep the debates alive throughout the forum and between each videoconference. The discussions on"The landless and the future of the commons" are over, and it is theme 2 " Access to agricultural land for women and young people"which will start. You will find a more detailed presentation of the issues dealt with on the theme presentation page.

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41 participations
Online comments
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Camila Guedes
Camila Guedes
16 December 2021 15:13

Brasil CONTAG - Compartilho com vocês o LINK da plataforma Politica da Marcha das Margaridas -


13 December 2021 16:27

A continuation of a text written and shared by Céline Berthier, goat farmer and cheese maker in Ardèche (she was one of the speakers at the closing conference on 16/12). This text was published in Campagnes Solidaires, the monthly magazine of the Confédération Paysanne, in October 2021. It is an analysis of the book "Le genre du capital", by sociologists Céline Bessière and Sybille Gollac. Le genre du capital. How the family reproduces inequalities As a farmer, you own land, buildings and your business. To acquire them, you have saved and/or inherited. What do you peasant women own?... Read more "

Legay Christian
Legay Christian
13 December 2021 12:49

Hello, In the framework of the promotion of agro-ecological transition and agro-ecology, the issue of securing land is of great importance for all actors concerned in order to secure investments. And, specifically, the issue of secure access to land for women and young people remains crucial! In the absence of a solution for young people and the lack of status for the latter within family farms (non-participation in decisions managed by the elders), the latter migrate or go to the gold-mining sites. The situation is aggravated in peri-urban areas by land speculation linked to the companies... Read more "

Elena Lazos
Elena Lazos
12 December 2021 22:38

Desde México, puedo decir lo siguiente con respecto al acceso de las mujeres a la tierra: Incluso si la ley agraria reconoce el derecho a las mujeres a la tierra, en la pratica esto no se lleva a cabo. Firstly, customs and traditions in terms of inheritance mean that it is mostly the male children who receive the land or the largest share of the land. Incluso cuando las mujeres reciben tierras, por lo general, éstas son de menor calidad o se encuentran lejos del pueblo. Así aunque la ley agraria estipule los derechos a la tierra... Read more "

Sanou Fatouma
Sanou Fatouma
10 December 2021 10:07 am

[Theme 2] Hello. Thank you for the videoconference and for the interventions in this space. Thank you Paolo Groppo for the bridge with the FMAT 2016 and with the collective journey of reflections and struggles. I would like to add: 1) these inequalities of access to land rights for women are intertwined with other inequalities and with a certain structuring of our way of living in the world and of being in relation that it would be important to debate as well. Feminist movements and critical thinking have questioned this. 2) A sharing of field experience and hypotheses/questions. During a... Read more "

Michel Merlet
Michel Merlet
6 December 2021 17:47

I was waiting for new contributions to intervene, but I still see very few, with 10 days to go before the end of the online reflection, and apart from an intervention from Guinea, none from West African organisations, unfortunately. The first videoconference, which was fortunately enriched by an important participation from CONTAG given the impossibility for the convergence of struggles in West Africa to connect, leads me to the following comments and questions: 1/ Women's and young people's access to land varies a lot according to social groups and groups... Read more "

Christian Castellanet
6 December 2021 14:54

Hello, thank you for your contributions! There is no need to translate them yourself, there is an automatic translation tool that translates into the 4 main languages of the forum

5 December 2021 16:12

FRENCH The question of women's and young people's access to land seems to me to be badly posed. The problems faced by women are one thing, those of young people are another. These two situations must therefore be dealt with in a specific way and not be mixed up. With regard to women's access to land, the central issue is that of the inequality of women's rights in relation to men. In most human societies, women and men have integrated the idea that their natural differences are the source of their unequal rights. In other words,... Read more "

Aboubacar Hawa SYLLA
Aboubacar Hawa SYLLA
3 December 2021 16:45

In Guinea Conakry, women's and young people's access to land is a sensitive issue insofar as men are reticent about the matter. It is thought that women and young people should always inherit land, but in the absence of a male family representative. For effective access, women and young people are obliged to submit to the demands of men who in return demand a share of their crops. We have carried out awareness raising activities in village communities on issues related to the integration and acceptance of... Read more "

Last modified 3 years ago by Aboubacar Hawa SYLLA
Christian Castellanet
13 December 2021 16:35

Hello Sylla, thank you for your testimony. If I understand correctly in Guinea, men agree to lend their land to women or young people, but in exchange for a share of their harvest, which means that they are considered as precarious tenants/occupants? And what has been the result of your awareness-raising activities?

Aboubacar Hawa SYLLA
Aboubacar Hawa SYLLA
13 December 2021 17:42

the result of our actions is as follows:
1-the traditional regulation of land acquisition,
2-the sale of arable land after 2 or 3 years of use
3-decreasing the rate of crop exchange
4-the organisation of exchange and information meetings on the effective and complete use of borrowed land.

Aboubacar Hawa SYLLA
Aboubacar Hawa SYLLA
3 December 2021 16:26

Hello to all,
I am Sylla Aboubacar Hawa,
NGO Save the Guinean Environment,

paolo groppo
paolo groppo
3 December 2021 15:57

Recordando los trabajos del grupo temático del FMAT de 2016, creo sería conveniente que las distintas organizaciones hicieran un balance de las acciones que han llevado a cabo para avanzar en la lista de propuestas recogidas en el documento final del grupo. = PROPUESTAS Las acciones ciudadanas deben apuntar al fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de mujeres, a la presencia de mujeres en las organizaciones campesinas y también a la educación de las sociedades en su conjunto. Strengthen women's movements and their presence in rural organizations: Promote basic legal training for women so that they are aware of the law... Read more "

paolo groppo
paolo groppo
3 December 2021 15:54

Herencia de tierras La intervención de Fanny, una campesina francesa, me pareció muy interesante. Ya hay muchas pruebas de estudios nacionales y/o regionales que confirman que en los sistemas legales y consuetudinarios, la mayoría de las mujeres, independientemente de su estado civil, no pueden heredar tierras a su nombre. Un problema que no sólo afecta a los países del Sur, sino también, como confirma Fanny, a los del Norte. Quería recordar cómo este asunto fue un tema muy discutido durante la FMAT de Valencia de 2016. El grupo de trabajo específico dedicado a las cuestiones de la tierra desde una... Read more "

3 December 2021 15:35

Hello everyone, The launch conference of the theme 2 took place on 23 November 2021 (you can find it on our Youtube channel at this address: ). The various interventions raised several questions. The 3 weeks that separate us from the closing conference, which will take place on 16 December, should allow you to exchange and bring analyses/solutions/proposals to the questions raised! As a follow-up, we propose a list of questions (not exhaustive) to launch the discussions on this theme: What is the specific place of women and men in the labour market?... Read more "

Emmanuel Hallard
Emmanuel Hallard
7 August 2021 15:45

REGULATORY INSTRUMENTS TO LIMIT LAND CONCENTRATION AND ALLOCATE AGRICULTURAL LAND TO PRIORITY USES AND PRACTICES. Emmannuel Hallard. There are many legal and political measures for a better distribution of land, and access to land by more people, instead of the current land concentration. Why do dominant political powers protect dominant landowners and how can this be curbed? Corruption and the capture of common space by particular groups, the subjugation of public power by private powers? I quote Raphaël Glucksmann: "Such an interpenetration ofRead more "

Christian Castellanet
August 13, 2021 12:23 PM

Thank you Emmanuel for these interesting leads. The idea of a ceiling on surfaces is certainly worth keeping. However, I have more reservations about setting a quota for grazing areas. In the case of Sahelian countries, for example, governments are actually encouraging farmers and agribusiness companies to extend their crops into customary grazing areas used and managed by transhumant herders, and this creates very strong social tensions. Instead, negotiated agreements between communities should be encouraged, with the impartial support of the administration and the justice system...

Robert Levesque
Robert Levesque
September 1, 2021 9:03 am

Some comments: A land observatory is very necessary to know the landowners (i.e. the owners of agricultural land and buildings). It is also necessary to know the people who implement agricultural use rights, whether they are farmers or landowners. Such an observatory, at least in Europe, is quite feasible based on cadastres and area declarations that farmers provide in order to receive direct aid from the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy). However, the people who hold the agricultural use rights (landowners or tenants)... Read more "

Sanou Fatouma
Sanou Fatouma
29 July 2021 7:04 pm

Hello and thank you for this 3rd webinar, please in view of the interventions of Mr Michael Taylor, Mr Rajagopal, Ms Glory Luong, 1) what about this political tension where social groups (politically dominant) are not in favour of a non privatisation of the commons, of a non concentration of resources, of an equitable distribution of land, of a paradigm shift in our relations with non humans and between humans? 2) What room for political rebalancing is there when elected politicians, power-holders, leaders... are not supportive of these paradigm shifts, they and their social and political networks?Read more "

Alonso Batista dos Santos
Alonso Batista dos Santos
29 July 2021 17:02

No Brasil ontem foi o dia do Agricultor e essa foi a imagem que o presidente postou para comemorar o dia do agricultor fazendo alusões ao número de "invasões" que diminuiu no seu governo.
Depois de forte reação dos movimentos sociais o governo retirou a imagem das redes sociais.
Foi uma ameaça explicita à luta pela terra.

A Contag lançou uma nota repudiando essa postagem.

Dia_do_agriclutor_28.07.2021-Instagran Governo Federal.png
El kabir El Miloudi
El kabir El Miloudi
28 July 2021 0:36

To bring you up to date on community or collective lands, I am providing you with an overview of the development and evolution of the situation in Morocco. 1- Historical overview: Before the advent of French and Spanish "protectorate" colonialism in 1912, land, water sources, forests, mines, etc. were managed collectively according to customary standards. They were inalienable, no sale or rental operation is allowed since they belong to the community called tribe or confederation (group of tribes). Their exploitation is ensured through usufruct orRead more "

Christian Castellanet
13 August 2021 12:11

Hello Mr El Miloudi, thank you for your testimony; can you give more details on the date when this new law n° 17-62 was adopted, its content and its concrete consequences? Also, which organisations have mobilised so far?

El kabir El Miloudi
El kabir El Miloudi
16 August 2021 1h55

Hello Mr Christian, First of all I would like to thank you for your interest in what is happening in Morocco. In response to your questions about law 17-62 and the NGOs that follow this issue, I can inform you as follows 1) Law 17-62, relating to administrative guardianship over ethnic communities and their property, was published in the Official Bulletin (BO) No. 6807 of 26 August 2019, 2) The implementing Decree No. 2.19.973 was published in the BO No. 6849 of 20 January 2020, 3) The content of the law and decree :Read more "

Gyan Kothari
Gyan Kothari
13 July 2021 12:54

Hello everyone, it's great to see the online forum being used actively! Ahead of our second webinar "Stories from the Ground" (Thursday, 15th July, 1pm UTC) I wanted to draw everyone's attention to an interesting process that is currently taking place within the United Nations that relates to land and the governance of tenure. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) that monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is currently in the process of preparing a draft General Comment (26) to clarify the specific obligations of state parties relating to landRead more "

Pierre-André Duffrene
5 July 2021 13:08

During the webinar several questions or remarks were made in the comments of the live stream, you will find them below. "I have noticed that the right to land is not written anywhere in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the two covenants of 1966. How can we make up for this so that peasants can fully enjoy their rights to land and are no longer reduced to cheap labour" "I would like to know where the right to land for women has been achieved to see how they haveRead more "

Last modified 3 years ago by Pierre-André Duffrene
El kabir El Miloudi
El kabir El Miloudi
28 July 2021 12:50

Hello Mr Pierre-André Duffrene, In reaction to your intervention and more precisely on the question of the existence or absence of a UN human rights reference framework and in particular in the Universal Declaration and the two Covenants of 1966. In this context, I would like to draw your attention to Comment No. 21 of the Committee on ESC rights, which deals with article 15, paragraph 1(a), on the right of everyone to take part in cultural life. Also, the content of article 15 of the ESC rights covenant is already raised in article 27 paragraph 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states thatRead more "

Michel Merlet
Michel Merlet
30 June 2021 13:04

Hello everyone, I am repeating here the comment I made at the end of the first meeting, developing it a little more. Many interesting elements were mentioned by the speakers. However, I wonder whether we have really moved forward in the last few decades. None of the speakers talked about the failures of the "solutions" that have been proposed and sometimes implemented. Why did the land reforms in Mexico, more than a hundred years ago, but especially those in the Soviet bloc and the very different one in China (but also theRead more "

Christian Castellanet
2 July 2021 17:18
Reply to  Michel Merlet

Hello Michel, this is a good question, which we will no doubt have to look at in greater depth in the "Agrarian Reform" thematic seminar? We can see that there have also been relatively successful agrarian reforms in Korea and Japan, and one of the key factors in this success has been the adoption of public policies in favour of family farming, and in particular price and import controls to regulate agricultural markets. The antithesis of today's globalised neoliberalism...

25 June 2021 17:06

The Declaration UNDROP, very relevantly referred to in the presentation of this theme, is indeed a turning point in the recent history of small farmers, landless peasantry and poor rural dwellers. The core of the Declaration centres on the right to land, seeds and biodiversity, as well as several 'collective rights' . UNDROP establishes a series of obligations and recommendations for member states. The articles in the Declaration explain not only the rights of peasants but also the mechanisms and instruments for states to ensure them. It is hence a useful tool and argument in all struggles for land andRead more "

Sanou Fatouma
Sanou Fatouma
24 June 2021 18:14

Hello. Thank you for this first webinar. Some questions to share please.
How do vulnerable agricultural/rural groups generate (and pay) within themselves and via alliances, a set of actors who will contribute to weaving links, questioning, self-criticising, understanding, experimenting with alternative socio-economies, rebalancing power relations, creating counter-powers etc. (lawyers, jurists, facilitators, thinkers, artists etc.)?
How do they attempt to create/renew a political relational ecosystem that has been denigrated and broken down over time?
Finally, in relation to the programme, can we know the themes of the next webinars please?
Thank you.

Christian Castellanet
June 26, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Sanou Fatouma

Hello Fatouma, I don't have the answer to your first question, which seems to me to include several sub-questions: How can rural marginaus (small farmers and landless farmers) organize and finance their own organizations? How can they create alliances with other groups to influence public policies? I can only tell you that the FLT has the ambition to bring together all concerned citizens, especially urban people, with existing peasant movements and organizations. On the other hand, for your second question, we have planned to continue the discussion... Read more "

Alonso Batista dos Santos
Alonso Batista dos Santos
24 June 2021 16:17

Outra ameaça foi a aprovação na noite de ontem, dia 23 de junho, na Comissão de Constituição e Justiça da Câmara dos Deputados (um projeto de lei precisa ser aprovado por essa comissão antes de ir para aprovação no plenário da Câmara) do Projeto de Lei 490/2007 que trata da demarcação de terres indígenas. One of the proposed amendments states that indigenous peoples who were on their land at the time of the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution are entitled to have their land demarcated. O problema é que muitos povos indígenas foram expulsos das suas terras antes disso, por isso nãoRead more "

Christian Castellanet
26 June 2021 15:58

Prezado Alonso, esta situação esta muito preocupante. If you have material to alert the public, such as a video or article, we can share it on the Forum's website, and also on social networks...

Alonso Batista dos Santos
Alonso Batista dos Santos
26 June 2021 23:30

Olá Christian
One of the best materials on the review of the PL by the Constituent and Justice Commission of the Parliament is the Indigenous Missionary Consortium - CIMI. Abaixo segue o link.

Bolsonaristas e ruralistas aprovam projeto que abre caminho a novo genocídio indígena

Alonso Batista dos Santos
Alonso Batista dos Santos
24 June 2021 16:17

O MST, a Via Campesina, a CONTAG e vária outras organizações articularam a aprovação de Lei que impede o despejo de famílias no período da pandemia, mas os/as deputados/as que representam os grandes proprietários de terras conseguiram aprovar uma emenda que exclui da lei as famílias da área rural

Alonso Batista dos Santos
Alonso Batista dos Santos
24 June 2021 16:17

Ainda sobre o Brasil é importante acrescentar que há vários Projetos de Lei que querem regularizar a grilagem de terras de grandes fazendeiros. São pelo três projetos que projetos que estão tramitando nesse momento no congresso nacional
24 June 2021 16:12

Thank you Mr. Ardo Swo for pointing to the importance of demography in land policies. One of the big issue in the Mekong region (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar), demographic growth and the need for land of future generation has not been factored in the making of redistributive and distributive land policy. It has been really problematic for current and future generation of farmers.

25 June 2021 16:53

Demographic growth indeed is a challenge for redistributive agrarian reforms.
In Latin America, for example, the many reforms that took place throughout the region in the 60s, 70s, 80s did not really take on board the fact that 20 or 30 years later the children of beneficiaries would be facing challenges of fragmentation of redistributive plots - with allocations per child sufficient for a sufficient annd viable, each, for family production unit - constraining this generation in its choices and possibilities, forcing many of them to out migration, etc.
24 June 2021 16:11

Hi everyone. I fully agree with Prof. Praveen Jha. Global South can not emulate Global North. The migration context, agricultural policies (eg subsidies) and the industrialisation patterns are completely different in the South (now) than what prevailed in the North when they started their agrarian transition.

25 June 2021 17:14

I also fully agree. And the consequences of this entirely differenct situation are many. One of them is that there is a need for creative solutions, new types of struggles and collective actions, and innovations in the type of management of the commons by the peasantry movements. And there are emerging new types of struggles and occupation of land abusively grabbed, or potentially grabbed communal land. One example of this in the North is Notre Dame des Landes . But it cannot necessarily emulate struggles in the South - where new types of struggles are emerging and hopefully will propser,Read more "

Pierre Grg
Pierre Grg
24 June 2021 15:59

This a first exploratory comment - just a note for test - 3 challenges from Ana Maria Franco 1 i did not note 2 digitalization of land 3 lawfare for private interest