On the road for the 2023 caravan - CGLTE OA
The fight against climate change will be at the heart of the 4th edition of the West African caravan "Droit à la terre, à l'eau et à l'agroecologie paysanne: une lutte commune!"
Scheduled from October 25 to November 20, 2023. It will be launched in Burkina Faso, then travel to Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Senegal and Mauritania. It will criss-cross the remotest corners of the 5 itinerary countries to meet communities and authorities in order to make a significant contribution to behavior change and to the implementation of policies adapted to the needs of communities to reduce the impacts of climate change.
Under the banner of the climate emergency, the general aim of this edition is to contribute to strengthening the fight against climate change phenomena by raising awareness and promoting peasant agroecology as an alternative to false solutions, through advocacy with communities and authorities with a view to guaranteeing food sovereignty in particular.
This year's innovations include, among others, :
- A meeting of West African traditional and customary chiefs with the participation of academics on climate change;
- The Communities' Cop : as a prelude to COP 28, a major climate mobilization will be organized with the participation of communities and local and national authorities to share the vision of the CGLTE-AO on climate and recommendations for better policy decisions.
- Forum on the Right to Housing and Land.