Event organized by the Federation of Rural Workers and Farmers of the State of Maranhão - FETAEMA.
On June 12, 13 and 14, 2023, CESIR/FETAEMA, FETAEMA and affiliated unions are organizing the 1st Meeting of communities in agrarian and socio-environmental conflicts in Maranhao.
The meeting is a plenary session with direct talks by FETAEMA and affiliated unions monitoring territories in agrarian and socio-environmental conflict, with representatives of the federal government (Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming, Ministry of Racial Equality, Ministry of Human Rights and General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic) and the state government (Secretariat of Human Rights and Popular Participation, Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources, Secretariat of Public Security), as well as representatives of the State Council for the Defense of Human Rights, the State Commission for Combating and Preventing Violence in Rural and Urban Areas, among others.
"We are organized and aligned against the violence that threatens and kills rural workers, family farmers and traditional peoples in Maranhão. Once again, FETAEMA and its 215 affiliated unions reaffirm their defense of agrarian reform and access to land for rural communities," said Edimilson Costa, FETAEMA's Agrarian Policy Secretary.
“A permanência das comunidades rurais nos seus territórios significa ter paz no campo, a manutenção dos recursos naturais, a soberania e segurança alimentar, em especial nesse momento em que mais de 33 milhões de brasileiros passam fome. Por isso, a FETAEMA e Sindicatos filiados historicamente lutam pelo direito à terra a partir de uma perspectiva da produção e reprodução da vida”, ressalta o secretário de Meio Ambiente da FETAEMA, Antônio Sorriso.
Let's talk to federal and state governments, as well as public agencies and entities, about what we stand for in the Maranhão countryside."