Last October we shared a video testimony in the framework of the forum of struggles "Engenho Roncadorzinoh, 40 years of struggle! (link: An attack took place in the village on the night of 10 February 2022, which resulted in the death of a 9 year old child, son of one of the main leaders of the [...]
Category: Unclassified
Point of departure for the West African caravan
The third edition of the West African caravan for the right to land, water and peasant agro-ecology... The Caravan stopped over in Senegal and Gambia last weekend. In these two countries, the Global Convergence of Struggles for Land and Water - West Africa (#CGLTE_OA) advocated for the right to land, water and peasant agroecology...
Launch of the West Africa Caravan - November 2021
Action Confédération Paysanne - 8 Nov 2021 "La prise de la Bassine" - Les soulèvements de la Terre
THE CATCH OF THE BASIN! 💥😁 3000 anti-bassines meet in Mauzé-sur-le-Mignon and dismantle a "basin of shame" and its pump 🌊✊ Press release from the Earth Uprisings, the Confédération Paysanne and Bassines Non Merci! This Saturday 6 November, more than 3000 people and 20 tractors gathered in [...]
Madagascar Alert
November 2, 2021 The collective Tany la défense des Terres Malgaches alerts us on a revision of the land law that could lead to the eviction of thousands of farmers from their lands to the benefit of private investors. An open letter has been sent to the President of the Republic so that he does not promulgate this law.
Open letter - UN Food Systems Summit
The Confédération paysanne and 83 other signatories call on France to resist the pressure of multinationals and to save peasant agriculture. An International Summit on Food Systems will take place in September 2021, organized by the UN* in close partnership with the World Economic Forum. In a few days, the pre-summit of this initiative will be held in Rome. [...]
El kabir El Miloudi: Against the expropriation of the lands of the Amazigh ethnic communities in Morocco
To bring you up to date on the community or collective lands, here is an overview of how the situation in Morocco is unfolding and evolving. Despite several demonstrations organized by ethnic communities, human rights defenders and various human rights organizations, the Moroccan state, as a repressive machine, has not backed down and has not reviewed its measures.
Action of the CGLTE OA
In this month of August a visit of follow-up of the women's groups of the informal sector of Serédou in Republic of Guinea is in progress by a team of the Global Convergence of the Struggles Land Water West African ( CGLTEOA)/ UACDD composed of the spokesman and the communication officer. This mission will be followed until Ivory Coast [...]
Call by Rames Sharma (Ekta Parishad) to the organisations participating in the Forum to submit suggestions for the inclusion of UNDROP resolutions in the ICESCR
"Hello everyone, it's great to see the online forum being actively used! I wanted to bring everyone's attention to an interesting process that is currently taking place at the United Nations that relates to land and land tenure governance. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), [...]
Letter from Malagasy farmers to the President of the Republic and the members of the High Institutional Court
Following the approval of the bill on untitled private land by the National Assembly on the night of Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 6 national apex farmers' organizations from the 22 regions of Madagascar (CPM, Réseau SOA, FVTM, FIFATA, KOLOHARENA, FEKRITAMA), which represent 14,912 grassroots farmers' associations and 529,250 families [...]