We opened the Forum of Struggles for Land and natural resources with a webinar on Thursday 6 May, with about 100 participants.
Here is the full recording of this videoconference. It is in French (except for the interventions of Edurne Caballero, CERAI, which are in Spanish). The interventions of the panellists can also be viewed in other languages by clicking on 'subtitles/closed captions' in the video and choosing a language.
In anticipation of the first thematic discussion, the date of which will be communicated shortly, exchanges are already open in reaction to the presentations made by the organisers during this webinar.
Below are excerpts from the webinar. The videos are in French. They can also be viewed in other languages by clicking on 'subtitles/closed captions' in the video and choosing a language.
We invite you to discuss them with us: ask your questions and debate them in the comment area at the bottom of this page.
General presentation of the Forum by Edurne Cabbalero (CERAI) and Mathieu Perdriault (AGTER)
Speech by Massa Koné, Spokesperson of the Malian Coalition against Land Grabbing (CMAT) and the Global Convergence of Struggles for Land, Water and Peasant Seeds in West Africa
Speech by Mamy Rakotondrainibe, President of the Collectif Tany pour la défense des terres malgaches
Speech by Alberto Broch, Vice President and Secretary for International Relations of CONTAG
Aichata Koné, Head of Communications of the Malian Convergence against Land Grabbing
Speech by Brahima Traoré, in charge of land tenure at the National Coordination of Peasant Organisations of Mali (CNOP) and member of ROPPA.
Speech by Fanny Métrat, Confédération paysanne.
Speech by Ramesh Sharma, National Coordinator of Ekta Parishad (read by Gyan Kothari, Research Associate)
If you have not yet created an account to participate in the exchanges, you can access the registration form using the button on the right.
In case of technical difficulties or questions of any kind, you can contact us in the comment area of this page or at secretariat@strugglesforlandforum.net.